ALKACIDE thermosensitive instrument disinfectant
For disinfection of thermosensitive instrumentation, after pre-disinfectant cleaning with Alkazyme
• Reduced glutaraldehyde level: the diluted solution is non-irritating for the user and non-corrosive for the instrumentation.
• Effectiveness: broad spectrum of activity for high-level disinfection (from bactericidal to sporicidal).
• Economical: 1 L concentrate makes 50 L of solution.
• Available in ready-to-use solution (5 L can).
• Ecological: totally biodegradable.
Bactericidal: EN 1040, EN 13727, EN 14561
Yeasticide: EN 1275, EN 13624, EN 14562
Virucidal: EN 14476 on Adenovirus, Norovirus and Poliovirus + Herpes simplex virus, Rotavirus, HIV, Hepatitis B and C.
Fungicide: EN 14562, mycobactericide EN 14563 on Mycobacterium terrae and Mycobacterium avium
Sporicide: in 14347 on Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus
2% - Soaking time: 15 minutes.
Dangerous products, respect the conditions of use.